Covid puppies are a fact – recently we are more and more willing to expand our family by four paws. This means that more people face the challenge of raising a puppy. Those who have already had their first weeks with a toddler know that it often means sweat and tears, but also a lot of tenderness and sweet memories. There is a reason why many people subscribe to the opinion that puppies are great, but that they are the best with someone else. That’s why at Petsly we send you some good advice and words of support for those who have just started the difficult process of raising a great canine companion.

Piranha on four legs

“Why is my puppy biting and will he ever stop?” This question is definitely one of the top 3 problems of a freshly baked doggie. If you are wondering whether your puppy is a unique incarnation of a rabid tyrannosaur, let’s reassure you: the puppy’s bite. For the fifth month of the dog, kid’s normally hard to reach, and its response to new stimuli is to use a pin-sharp tooth.

There is nothing strange about this! Chewing for a puppy is completely natural – this is how he gets to know the world. However, we understand that not everyone likes to be tearing through every wild beast, so a few words about it, how to cope when we become puppyhood teething. It’s a good habit to avoid playing with your bare hands – it’s better not to show your puppy that our belts are a great toy. Instead, it is better to focus on t-shirts and redirect the toddler’s attention.

Toilet academy

Many owners of puppies dream of a time when this simple rule to remember – like the need is out. We would like to be able to write that there is a magic spell that will guarantee immediate success in the toilet struggle, but the best recipe is consistency, patience, and absolute ease. The worst thing you can do if you find a puppy in a puddle or with some other surprise is cursing him and shake his fist. A dog sticking his nose in the aromatic proof of the crime is equally effective in teaching chastity, which fiery reading essays are written thirteen-syllable verse.

Dore is enthusiastic about rewarding your puppy for getting out and dropping out of regular and instant toddler reading the signals that about this time has come output to poop. As difficult as it is, doesn’t be put off! Some puppies can learn in a few days, for others it takes several months – each doggy is different and a lot depends not only on him but your daily rhythm and the ability to devote time to the pooch.

Ah that’s jumping

“My adult dog is jumping at the guests!” This is unacceptable!” We absolutely understand this outrage. Enthusiastic 50-kilo grams of a dog that throws a good day in the arms of a fragile grandmother would please anyone. But you need to s of the current honestly – if your Azor or Fafik was a small, fluffy with a pellet was not the time encouraged to showing unconditional love to everyone who showed up at home? Exactly. Therefore, good manners should be implemented as early as possible.

It is certainly important to talk to your guests about a good greeting with your dog from the beginning. Ask them to keep their emotions in check and not to reward jumping. Welcoming should be made calmly after visitors take off their shoes and their jackets are on hangers. It is best if they descend to the level of a dog and without unnecessary shouts and squeals of delight, they will enter the Pacific Ocean mode rather than a rushing mountain stream. This will allow the puppy to harness excessive enthusiasm.

Destructive tornado

Eaten slippers, torn pillows, overturned flower pots, broken glasses: these are the ingredients of a puppy tornado. Puppies can be like locusts, but there are ways to minimize losses and keep your little one safe at the same time. Many people are in favor of playpens and kennels. A well-placed cage can be a fantastic refuge for a dog, and a safe place to regenerate. In addition, in a cage or playpen, there is little chance that the toddler will hurt himself. A puppy left loose alone at home for several hours is exposed to many dangers. During the dog’s antics, something may fall over him, the dog may also get to cables or a cabinet with cleaning products. It is important to consider the risks carefully when leaving your dog and eliminate them if possible. Another way to reduce the damage, and at the same time a compulsory point of the dog’s guardian (a toddler or a stable adult), is to provide him with an appropriate portion of impressions and stimuli that will tire the dog mentally and physically. But watch out for traps! Overstimulating can have the opposite effect. When there are too many stimuli, our dog can turn into a real Tasmanian devil who will not rest in the struggle to destroy our home.

What should a puppy be able to do?

Making a gopher, asking with your paws, rolling, and high-five – leave it for later. Many enthusiastic canine parents, from the first days of their life with a puppy, focus on education, providing their toddler with artificial training. We are not saying that this is a big mistake! Learning various commands can be a great adventure for a pooch, but when it comes to the beginnings of working with a dog, the most important thing is to create the foundations for a good relationship with your little one. In this way, we will raise a friend who likes to work with us, feels safe, and can trust us. So let’s observe the dog, choosing the number of stimuli, expectations, and pressures that are provided for it.

There is no point in getting frustrated that the canine toddler cannot perform the circus tricks – instead, it is worth thinking about how to make the dog love working with us. Everyone is motivated by something different in the end. There are dog lovers who will do anything for their favorite delicacy, but also jerking fanatics for whom fleece pulling is the best price in the world. Before you start demanding, learn how to effectively reward your dog. Also think about your communication and the signals you send, e.g. with your voice tone or body posture. For less confident dogs, leaning over them, even with a hand full of sausages, will be a great discomfort. However, once you establish a common understanding and understand your dog, waiting for you a sweet reward in the form of a beautiful friendship for many years. Good luck puppy newbies!

Marta Buzalska

Marta Buzalska

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